Monday, November 29, 2010

1 minute sit knees to get up early to do stretching

 1 minute sit knees to get up early to do stretching ,UGG bailey button
Shijiazhuang City,UGG boots, Hebei Wu Xiangfei
of Shirley in the United States. Archer wrote I am every day. to do a few gentle stretching,UGGs, can effectively alleviate the morning I wake up feeling stiff body, so I spent the day free to roam, breathing smoothly.
lying in bed, relax. knees, At the same time hands on thighs, upper body slightly forward. to maintain posture, deep breathing 4 to 5 seconds. expiratory 5 ~ 6 seconds, and lift up the knee, as close to the chest. At this point feel to be below the hip and back stretching feeling. hold the position,cheap UGG boots, 3 times a deep breath (breath of the time). inhale deeply every time, expiratory gas should spit light.
you can do a gentle pull extension, in accordance with the above method of unilateral knees. After completion of the side of the action, for the other side to do. It should be noted that the practice has always been the prerequisite to the comfort, avoid physical pain or muscle strain. with a nose for Take a deep breath and exhale to relax the body, the release of a sense of tension.

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